Friday, October 10, 2008

Halloween Crafts

Last week Maggie and I decided that it was time to decorate for Halloween! The only problem was that we didn't have very many decorations. Solution? Make your own! Also the dollar store has some great buys!

Placemats - Old black fabric that I stamped with paint and a 10 cent foam stamp I bought 2 years ago at an after Halloween sale and paint I got from a yard sale for $1 for a box of 20 different colors. I then sewed it into placemats.

Candles - Candlesticks I got from a relief society activity a while ago. I just melted 2 black crayons and dripped the wax on top.

Bowl of skulls - I got the skulls at the dollar store but needed something to put them in. After looking through the garrage I found a bowl I made in high school ceramics!

Skeleton chandelier - I found a string of skeletons at the dollar store and just hung them up there!

These are little candy jars I made from Maggie's old formula cans, a pair of old work out pants and felt. I used the slick pants to make a little bag which I lined the inside of the can with. I then wrapped the can in felt, hot gluing it on. I then accesorized with more felt, wire, and felt filled with stuffing for the tail and the bolts. I'm going to make a pumpkin, devil, witch and vampire next.

These were all supplies I have been collecting over the years so the total NEW cost of making my Halloween decorations was $3. If you count the old supplies the cost probably goes up to $5. Not bad on the wallet and I sure had a lot of fun making all of it!

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