Monday, January 11, 2010

Pantry Challenge Progress

Well, so far I have kept to my goals! It's really hard though. It's like when you open up your closet and say, "I have nothing to wear" when you're looking at a whole closet full of clothes. I keep saying, "I have nothing to eat" but really there is a ton of food. I've been in a funk this week or so as far as food goes I'm really hungry but nothing sounds good. I don't think this funk is pantry challenge induced, more like I indulged too much at Christmas induced, but it doesn't help.

1 comment:

The Prudent Homemaker said...

Too funny! I can feel te same way if I just stand there and look at my pantry. I find I do better by looking at my menus, and then seeing what I can make with what I have.